A Few B&W Images From the Fujifilm Rajasthan Photo Trek

The workshop has been going well with relatively few logistical issues along the way. I have very little time to focus on my own photography, but that is to be expected as this is about the participants and my primary job is to focus on them. But when I get a chance to photograph I take it.
Here are a few black and white images from this past week. I don’t normally shoot black and white but sometimes an image just screams to be converted to this very traditional format. I have been told that people view B&W images easier because there is less visual information for the brain to process. I am not sure about that, but what I am sure of is it is a lot hard to make a solid B&W image for me than a color. I hope you in enjoy these.
More to come…
I enjoyed your photographs.
Thanks for sharing-
Hi Matt
Just in case you did not see my Facebook post, I missed out on your Rajasthan tour this year and cannot make Ladakh because we are in Africa so please put me down as participant number one in your next trip to Ladakh! Thanks Jeff
Great photos. Would you mind sharing your settings for these? Did you shoot them in B&W in camera or convert from color to B&W in post? Thanks