Thaipusam Multi-Media Gallery

Thaipusam Multi-Media Gallery

This is my first stab at a real multi-media approach to imaging. I used Soundslides Pro and it was easy peasy. I had hoped to use some ambient sounds but there was just not enough caught on my buddies 5D. He was shooting for video and you know those video guys, 4 secs. here, 5 secs. there – and I thought I was ADD! But I found some appropriate music, did the narration in Audacity and mixed it in GarageBand. I would love your feedback.

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  1. Heimana

    Hi Matt !
    Fantastic slideshow you’ve got there! As usual, you provide us with great pictures! It’s like I’d be in the middle of it…
    If I can add a little critic: your voice is not high enough for the general volume. The background music take over your voice, I had to push up the volume, and at the end, got surprised with the music lol!
    I’ll download Soundslide+ to test the demo by the way…
    Take care !

  2. Heimana

    Hi Matt !
    Fantastic slideshow you’ve got there! As usual, you provide us with great pictures! It’s like I’d be in the middle of it…
    If I can add a little critic: your voice is not high enough for the general volume. The background music take over your voice, I had to push up the volume, and at the end, got surprised with the music lol!
    I’ll download Soundslide+ to test the demo by the way…
    Take care !

  3. Mag

    You did a really excellent job on it!!!! seems impossible that its your first one too.. you should keep going with it. it’s wonderful how these images become more alive than before.


  4. Matt Brandon

    Thanks for the encouragement Heimana and Mag. I hope to do more. It was super easy and yet very fulfilling.

  5. Jack Kurtz


    I like it a lot. The VO, music and photos are great. You have a future in voice acting.

    One small thing, when the VO ends the volume on the music gets really, almost jarringly, loud. I don’t know if you can adjust the volume on the music at the end a little.

    thanks for sharing it.


  6. Jack Kurtz


    I like it a lot. The VO, music and photos are great. You have a future in voice acting.

    One small thing, when the VO ends the volume on the music gets really, almost jarringly, loud. I don’t know if you can adjust the volume on the music at the end a little.

    thanks for sharing it.


  7. Jeffrey Chapman

    It’s great to have a narrative with the photos. Well done on all counts. I look forward to more.

  8. Vanessa Jackman


    Excellent slideshow and presentation. The music worked beautifully with the photographs (yep, I agree with the others that it was a little, um, “exciting” for my ears towards the end!) and it was wonderful to learn more about this festival.

    Wonderful stuff- look forward to more


  9. Vanessa Jackman


    Excellent slideshow and presentation. The music worked beautifully with the photographs (yep, I agree with the others that it was a little, um, “exciting” for my ears towards the end!) and it was wonderful to learn more about this festival.

    Wonderful stuff- look forward to more


  10. Joel Todd

    I really liked the narrative as well. Was really good. I enjoyed the captions but sometimes I didn’t have to read them all. Also they were over top of the photo’s. Don’t know if you can do anything about that.

    I love the photo’s and you do have a great voice for the narrative.
    Looking forward to more.


  11. Matt Brandon

    OK people I have fixed the audio track. Check it out and tell me if it is better. There is also a volume slide added as well. I up the total volume and then I lowered the fade up at the end.

    BTW; Thanks for all the comments about my voice. I did work in radio for 5 or 6 years. I also have a degree in broadcasting as well as photography. So it is a nice mix after all these many years.

    Joel, I chose to put the captions at the bottom of the image as that is where most people naturally look for them but you can choose to hide them. In fact they should be hidden by default.

  12. Unique Amazing

    Really liked your narration! You’ve got a great voice for it.
    Looking forward to see more from you.. 🙂



  1. Thaipusam 2011 Day 1 | The Digital Trekker Blog & Photography - [...] it. But this year I am home with camera in hand. To get the full story on Thaipusam watch…

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