Georgetown, Penang Photo Walk Winner Announced.

I had hoped to post this a few say back, but my computer died and was inthe shop till today. Over the weekend Gavin Gough and I helped each other pick the city winners of our repective walks. I am pleased to announce that our Penang walk winner is Eu-jeen Tan. There were a lot of very nice images submitted and it was really hard for Gavin and I to choose the winner. But this image showed a lot of emotion and had a real classic feel to it. We both felt it really conveyed the spirit of Penang’s Georgetown. Eu-jeen wins Volume 3 of Scott Kelby’s Digital Photography book. Eu-jeen’s image has been submitted to compete with other images from around the world for the next level of compitition. Again, congratualtions Eu-jeen Tan.
Great image Eu-jeen! I am sure it will be very well received. Glad I got to go along for the walk. Matt, thanks for letting me tag along. I really learned a lot. Dave R, thanks for walking with me and sharing your wisdom and skill. Great experience! When is the next one?
Congratulations to Eu-jeen Tan. I love this image – such feeling.
Matt, I enjoy following your blog.