Depth of Field: International Guild of Visual Peacemakers

Today’s Depth of Field is a little off topic. But, not by much. Instead of looking at a working photographer and seeing what makes them tic, we are going to look at how photographers can give back to this world we live in. There is way too much hate around us. Way too much violent responses to this hate and quite frankly there is no lack of photographers ready to make images of it all. As I have written here on many occasions, photographers are always taking and sometimes we need to give back. Here is a way that just might work. But, even if it fails (and I pray it does not), at least someone tried. My hat goes off to Mario Mattei and Logan McAdams, they are pushing against the darkness and just the effort gives us hope. If you are interested in join them with this effort you can contact them via their website HERE. Please leave your thoughts and comments below and I am sure they wold be glad to respond. To listen to the interview, just click on the link below and a player will show up, hit the start button and enjoy.
Production note: I am really not happy with the quality of the field recorder I was using. I was using an Olympus, not sure what model, DS-40, maybe. But I can not recommend it. In the future I will be using as Sony PCMD50 so I think things will be sounding better.
This is definitely a worthy effort and I’d love to help any way I can. How do I sign up? Other than the donate button, I didn’t see anything more.
Thanks to both Matt and the guild for sharing this.
Mark Olwick
Wonderful site !
i read your posts all days, thank you.
For Audio recording, look at “Zoom H2” or “H4” , there are great & not expensive PCM recorders.
Wonderful site !
i read your posts all days, thank you.
For Audio recording, look at “Zoom H2” or “H4” , there are great & not expensive PCM recorders.
I’m using a Marantz PMD620 audiorecorder with an AKG external microphone. Gives me excellent results!
Mark, I hope Mario or Logan will be responding here to help all those interested.
Giampiero I actually own the H4. I really do not like it. In fact I would have used it, except that the humidity or something here in Malaysia did not agree with it and now it only works plugged it. Not great for a field recorder.
Serge, Thanks for the info. But, I just ordered the D50, and now I am truly excited and looking forward to the results.
Hi Matt,
Count me in! I’m also interested in getting involved. Looking forward to hearing from Mario & Logan.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Hi Matt,
Count me in! I’m also interested in getting involved. Looking forward to hearing from Mario & Logan.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Oh man, so great to hear Mario’s voice again and to see that he’s doing some really cool stuff!
Wow! We are so encouraged by the many positive responses we’re getting. When the official site launches, it will be very simple to register in the Membership section and begin uploading your work and creating your Peacemaker Profile. BUT FOR NOW, we’re going to get old school. Send an email indicating your interest to info@thevisualstoryteller.com. Your name will be added to our mailing list for notification of when the site is live!
Mario Mattei
As is always the case with this DOF series, I waited until I had a quiet moment to dedicate. Well worth it! Keep it up Matt, and this IGVP is a great initiative.
Thank you so much Matt for sharing this! My heart went ‘pitter-patter’ reading about them. Keep up the good work!
IGVP looks really interesting. Hoping to hear more.
Is the D50 the Olympus? Have you considered the Olympus LS-10? I hear good things.
Finally, and going off-topic completely, is that a Word Press plug-in that you use to display the MP3 interview?
Sorry, paying attention now, the D50 is the Sony. OK. I’d be interested in hearing from anyone else who’s regularly using a digital audio recorder in the field and is really happy with the results. Any recommendations?
Gavin, I will do a short (read: not in depth) review of the Sony PCM-D50 once I get it. There are a gazillion reviews of all these product out on the net. The best review I have found that shows off the D50’s sound quality is HERE. Here are two other very in depth reviews HERE and HERE. But one of the critical factors is the mic. You can turn a rather mediocre recorder in to a great one with a good mic. The D-50 seems to have great condenser mics build in. We can talk more on skype if you want.
A very good effort indeed, however, when I go to the site, this is one of the first lines I read:
“We are not interested in glossing over conflict, tragedy, or injustice. However, we believe that displaying the beauty and dignity of people is a more creative and redemptive pursuit than “shock value.”
Although I somewhat understand this view, I think it’s very much possible to combine positive views on cultures/people with the tragedies or injustice they face, without degrading them.
Jereon, I agree and I think these guys would agree as well. I don’t think they are asking photographers not to cover strife and conflict. I think they are choosing to make IGVP a place to focus on the other things that break down the strife and conflict.
Yeah you’re probably right 🙂
By the way, it’s Jeroen and not Jereon 😉 But no sweat; you English-speaking people don’t know the ‘oe’!
Jeroen,Typo – I saw it as I hit the publish button. Sorry.
Matt, this may be the most important podcast you’ve done thus far. IGVP sounds like it’s going to be a great venture – I’ve already sent an email to get onto the mailing list. Kudos to you for bringing it to everyone’s attention and kudos to Mario and Logan for the work they are doing.
Thanks Craig, I think you might be right. I really pray this thing gets the momentum it needs to get off the ground.
A poet once said, “If you walk like a grackle, you’re one step closer to flight.” 🙂
Hey Matt,
Thanks for highlighting this effort. Mario & Logan, I’m with you. Thanks for heading up this initiative. I also agree with covering conflict, and the tragedy that comes with it, human drama is the same throughout the world and cultures. There is a common humanity in everyone that we can connect with.
I hope IGVP will highlight the tragedy, yet be a catalyst when it comes to the solutions to the conflict and tragedy.
Oh man, so great to hear Mario's voice again and to see that he's doing some really cool stuff!