All this and more…

The above photo of my wife has nothing to do with today’s blog post. I needed a photo to fill the white space and she is too pretty not to post images of her when I can…so I did.
It’s been a pretty productive week for me in general. I was even able to get out and do some shooting. Today I thought I’d list several links that I’ve run across during the week and a few things that friends have going on at their websites.
By now you’ve seen all of the e-books that David duChemin has produced. Well, he has produced one more titled, CHASING THE LOOK, 10 Ways To Improve The Aesthetics of Your Photographs. David’s e-books are always informative, instructional and inevitably, absolutely gorgeous. This one is no exception. I love the attention to small design detail he puts into them. Each book is a work of art. This book is a lot longer than the last ones, somewhere around 50 pages. Packed full of creative exercises and great instruction. A true bargain for the meager five dollars he’s asking for it.
Gavin Gough has a photographic exhibition that started this past Wednesday and will continue for two months. The exhibit is being shown at a trendy café called Exhibit Café. Gavin is selling prints in honor of the exhibit through his website, you can find them here. Be sure to go by Exhibit Café Facebook page and check out scenes from the opening night, it looked like a pretty fun time.
Thanks goes out to Tim, one of my readers, who linked a comment to a very cool photo website. You really need to check this site out. The site is called Vewd.org. The site is filled with incredible images by talented photographers. To use their own words here is what Vewd is about:
Vewd is a documentary photography magazine that aims to continue the tradition of storytelling through an ever evolving visual medium. Launched in early 2008, Vewd is committed to bringing to the forefront versatile essays from up and coming but largely unknown photographers throughout the world. The photographs on Vewd and their accompanying stories show the complexity of this world we live in today in a way that mainstream media fails to.
The folks at M & M Photo Tours tell me there is still space available for the South India tour in February 2010. You can find more information HERE at my website. Check out the complete itinerary HERE. We would love to have you come and join us, there should be some great food and a lot of adventure.
I found out some cool trivia about the Canon 5D MK 2 and Canon’s new 7D. Did you know, that the new Saturday Night Live opening sequence was shot with these two cameras? You can read all about it HERE. Check out the photos accompanying the article. You’ll see some interesting gear used with the with these cameras. The photographers are using a Zacuto Z-finder as well as a gunstock stabilizer. You can see both HERE, pricey, but very cool stuff. What I really want to get my hands on is the Z-finder. It looks like it would make shooting video much more intuitive and much easier to hold the camera. I was first introduced to this gear by a very talented videographer, director and filmmaker Philip Bloom. The guy does stuff with the 5D MK 2 that I could only dream of doing. I’m excited that Philip has agreed to do a Depth of Field interview with me, so be looking for that in the future.
In closing, I’d like to update you on what’s happening with Depth of Field. I know many of you noticed the absence of new programs and I’m sorry about that. I actually have several on the shelf ready to post. It’s just that were working out the details with the new sponsor, Peachpit. Hang on, it won’t be long now. Just to wet your appetite, I have hour-long interviews with David duChemin, Ami Vitale and a conversation with David, Ami and I talking about stories from the field. I also did an interview with author Chris Orwig about his new book, Visual Poetry . As we used to say in broadcasting, “All this and more, coming your way. So, stay tuned!”
That’s about it for this Friday. I hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks for the plug Matt, it was a memorable evening. And you're right, Alou is beautiful. You're a lucky man – but you knew that already 😉
Wish I could come out and visit it. Looks great!