For the photographer who has everything

Maybe you’re like me and you have a bad memory. I try to remember all those little rules and those little quips that are suppose to help you. You know the ones I’m talking about, “the sunny 16 rule” or “F8 and be there”. Do you ever go to a shoot and forget a Grey Card? Well, as they say, “Have I got a deal for you!” I ran across a whole list of T-shirts made specifically for photographers. Now you can wear the sunny 16 rule right on your chest. Better yet, give it to your assistant to wear and that way you can always have it as a constant reminder. Now, before you roll your eyes, checked them out. Some of them are quite clever. Granted, most of them I wouldn’t be caught dead. But one or two I might even wear.
If you’re a photographer who has kids this might actually be something they could afford to buy you. Jessie is always asking me what I want for Christmas. I keep telling her, that 16-35 f2.8 L series lens. But she never gets it for me. What does she do with that allowance I give her? Well, maybe she can afford one of these T-shirts. The list comes from Michael Zhang. He tweeted a request for humorous T-shirts and apparently he got quite a lot of feedback. See his whole list of T-shirts here at Michael Zhang’s website PetaPixel.
I love the oh, crop…..funny post.
Saw these somewhere on Twitter yesterday. They are brilliant.
Yes I saw these too on PetaPixel's tweets… there were more, but these are clearly the best ones… don't know which one I would choose though… maybe the 2 last ones! (and don't say I have to choose only one!!!