Christmas Break

Christmas in Kentucky 1961
Unlike some of you workaholics, I am going to get in touch with the familial side of me. I am going to put down the pen for a while and focus this time, whilst in the good ‘ole U. S. of A., on my family. It is a choice I am making. A choice… and if I don’t, my wife will take away my computer, hide it and relegate me to sleeping in the TV room with the Christmas tree.
Not that there won’t be the occasional exception. For instance, I have a big announcement to make on Monday about the India, Kumbh Mela workshop that Gavin and I will be leading in April. We will be posting the dates, pricing and other details as well as opening it up for registration soon.
I am also relatively sure there will be the occasional photo posting from this time with the family. Otherwise, plan on things to be rather quiet around here. Be sure and poke around and play with the new blog look and layout. By the way, my heart felt thanks goes out to incomparable and somewhat legendary Henri. Henri has such a mystique from doing his voodoo on David’s blog that I had to have him help me with mine. So, I begged, pleaded and otherwise groveled until he agreed to help me set up my new look and layout.
Have a great Christmas and New Years holiday!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Matt. Enjoy your time in the States.
Which one is little Mathew?
Merry X'Mas from me to You, Lou & Jesse..Have a nice holiday..
hah – no prizes for which one is matt! have good break – thanks for the posting this year – been a real treat.
You all can't figure out which one is me? I thought it would be obvious. My dad was the Santa. Surely you can see the resemblance? I am the one in control!
Blue plaid shirt!
Very nice new layout!
Can't decide between the kid in blue or white. OK, the blue one.
Wishing you and all a very Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Matt
Santa in a mask? That's going to give me bad dreams, man! Happy Christmas, Matt.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. I'll 'fess up; I am the little boy in the blue plaid shirt, bib overalls and smirk. The others are all my cousins and the Santa was my father with a hideous scary Santa mask.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Peace to you and yours.
Awww-great family pic. Have a great restful holiday!
A bit late (jetlagged?!), but hope you had a great Xmas time with your family! And already wish you a wonderful new year!!!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and points of view with us on your blog, it's always interesting and inspiring!
take care!