Video Blog #10 Photo Interview with Fernando Gros and more…

Yes, it is true, this is a video blog post. I know you thought it was dead and gone. Well it was only sick. 😉 I have tried breathed into it new life. Well, I least I hopes to.
This Sunday I am off to Ladakh, India for a two week workshop. After Ladakh the group heads to Srinagar, Kashmir. Then in February, 2015 I head back to Rajasthan. The question begs answering are photo workshop worth it? Are they worth the time and the financial investment? So this issue we will look at the benefits of photo workshops. To do this I have an interview with Fernando Gros from FernandoGros.com. Fernando wrote a really thought provoking post on his blog about workshops titled, “How To Choose And Make The Most Of A Photographic Workshop“. Who better to speak with about the benefits of photo workshops than Fernando?
In this video I also take a quick look at a packing app I uses called, PackingPro for the iPhone and iPad.