Hidden Treasures On Old CF Cards

Sometime last year I lost a bunch of older images on an external drive. I wish I could say it was a bad drive and that it failed or that someone came into my office and stole the whole drive, but the fact is, I erased it. Fortunately, I have most of the lost images backed up on a series of DVDs. But the DVDs are in a friends attic in England. I may never see them again. A great back up, right? As a result of complete fear of never seeing some of my earlier work I have been looking back through old drives but with very little luck. Then the idea came to me to check old CF cards (compact flash) and run some data recovery software to see what I could find. I am amazed at what I am uncovering. I am amazed for two reasons. The first being how much I am finding. But the other thing that amazes me is seeing old photos that I discounted as rubbish and some images I don’t even remember having taken. This seems to be a reoccurring theme and one that will be talked about at great length on tomorrows podcast with Michael D Davis. Be sure to check it out. Until then I leave you with these lost treasures.

A moment of Gujjar culture lost on a CF card. Five years later, this man was at the wedding I attended last Dec.