Depth of Field: Kevin Russ

Kevin Russ
Kevin Russ, by his own admission likes to take the path of least resistance. This path has taken him from a shooting studio work (on a DSLR), being one of the first photographers with iStock and later becoming one of their inspectors. To now shooting almost exclusively with his iPhone and living out of his car. He sells his images both on iStock as well as society6.com, a social media website that sells prints and kitsch with your images on it. He goes where he want to go, he shoots what he wants to shoot and he lives by his own rules. Kevin Russ is his own man.
I caught up with Kevin while he was in California on his way to Arizona. I had read the Atlantic article on him and felt he would add a whole new dimension to this podcast. They called him the “iPhone’s Ansel Adams”. I have interviewed wedding photographers, travel photographers, photojournalists, humanitarian photographers, why not an iPhoneographer? It just so happens that Kevin’s old roommate who introduced him to photography is a guy right here in Penang that I work with when I do video work, Nathan Watkins. So I had Nate put me in touch with Kevin and the rest is… below.
Kevin’s Portfolio HERE
Kevin’s Tumbr HERE
Kevin on iStock HERE
Kevin on Society6 HERE
Kevin Russ: A Traveling Photographer on Video by Max Monty
Be sure to check out the other episodes in the Depth of Field Podcast HERE.
Depth of FIeld available in iTunes HERE.